get them removed

Bee Removal Claveland, Ohio: Kreshco Pest Control

Bees are crucial for pollinating and maintaining our ecosystem. But finding a swarm of bees around your Cleveland home can be frightening. Though honeybees are usually non-aggressive unless provoked, having them near entry points or inside your house can be worrisome.


Bee Removal
Bee Removal
Bee Removal

Bee Removal Methods

At Kreshco Pest Control, we recognize that while bees are vital for the environment, they can pose a hazard when nesting close to human activity. Our bee removal services in Cleveland, Ohio, are crafted to safely relocate bees while prioritizing your property and family’s safety.

Here’s how we manage it:

  1. Inspection and Identification:

    • Thorough Examination: We start with a detailed property inspection to identify bee species, colony size, and nest location, crucial for safe removal.
    • Accurate Identification: Distinguishing between bee types and other stinging insects ensures the appropriate removal method is used.
  2. Safe Bee Removal Techniques:

    • Humane Relocation: We work with local beekeepers to relocate honeybees safely, ensuring their well-being and environmental contribution.
    • Protective Gear: Our technicians use protective equipment for safe handling and to minimize the risk of bee stings.
    • Smoke Application: When needed, we use smoke to calm bees, making removal safer and less aggressive.
  3. Structural Access:

    • Safe Approach: For nests within your home’s structure, we carefully access the area for removal, performing minor repairs afterward.
    • Comprehensive Removal: We ensure complete nest removal to prevent future infestations.
  4. Exclusion and Repair:

    • Seal Entry Points: After removal, we seal potential nesting sites and entry points to deter bees from returning.
    • Repair Services: We offer repair services to fix any bee-related damage, including walls and roofs affected by the nest.

Prevention Tips

Preventing bee infestations requires proactive steps and consistent upkeep.

Here are some essential tips to maintain a bee-free property:

  1. Inspect Your Property Regularly:
    • Routine Checks: Regularly look for signs of bee activity, such as increased buzzing or visible nests. Early detection is crucial.
    • Seasonal Inspections: Be vigilant for potential issues during spring, summer, and peak bee seasons.
  2. Seal Entry Points:
    • Fill Cracks and Gaps: Seal openings in walls, roofs, and foundations to prevent bees from entering.
    • Proper Caulking: Use caulk to seal gaps around windows, doors, and utility lines.
  3. Proper Waste Management:
    • Secure Bins: Keep garbage bins covered tightly to avoid attracting bees with sweet-smelling waste.
    • Regular Cleaning: Promptly clean up spills and dispose of waste to reduce bee attractants.
  4. Control Vegetation:
    • Trim Plants: Remote trees and shrubs away from your home to deter bees from nesting nearby.
    • Flower Management: Plant flowering plants away from high-traffic areas to minimize bee-human encounters.
  5. Avoid Attractants:
    • Minimize Sweet Scents: Steer clear of sweet-smelling products outdoors to avoid attracting bees.
    • Outdoor Events: To prevent bee attraction, cover food and clean spills immediately during outdoor gatherings.
  6. Professional Preventive Services:
    • Regular Maintenance: Schedule inspections with Kreshco Pest Control to catch potential nesting sites early.
    • Bee-Proofing Services: We offer bee-proofing to make your property less appealing to bees, including sealing entry points and suggesting landscaping practices.



Implementing these prevention tips and trusting our expert bee removal methods can safeguard your home or business from the risks of bee infestations. Contact Kreshco Pest Control today for further details or to schedule a consultation.

Experience peace of mind with Kreshco Pest Control – your trusted bee removal and prevention partner in Cleveland, Ohio.

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